Election Day Resources

Are you ready to cast your Vote tomorrow? Here are some helpful resources: Find Your Polling Place and Sample Ballot— The Oklahoma Election Board Online Voter Tool allows you to confirm your voter registration, find your polling place, view sample ballots, and track absentee ballots. Candidate Guides — If you need more information on the candidates running […]

Voter Registration Deadline Approaches

NEWS RELEASE         FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:        October 10, 2018 CONTACT:    State Election Board PIO Bryan Dean, (405) 522-6624 bdean@elections.ok.gov Voter registration deadline approaches (Oklahoma City) – Oklahoman’s have until Friday to register to vote or update their registration in time for the Nov. 6 General Election, State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax said today. “It’s critical that people confirm […]

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

ODLC Encourages Oklahomans to Participate in  National Disability Employment Awareness Month October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and all Oklahomans are encouraged to participate. The purpose of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. Held annually, National […]