CONTACT: State Election Board PIO Bryan Dean, (405) 522-6624
Voter registration deadline approaches
(Oklahoma City) – Oklahoman’s have until Friday to register to vote or update their registration in time for the Nov. 6 General Election, State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax said today.
“It’s critical that people confirm their voter registration information and make any necessary changes before the deadline,” Ziriax said. “Elections are our chance as voters to have a say in our government, and that starts by making sure you are registered to vote.”
Voters can check their party affiliation, polling place and other registration information, view a sample ballot and track absentee ballots using the Online Voter Tool on the State Election Board’s website. It can be accessed at
Voter registration forms, used to change any registration information, can be downloaded from the website, as well. They are also available at county election boards, post offices, tag agencies, libraries and some other public locations.
Voters must either deliver their voter registration forms in person or mail and have them postmarked before the deadline.
Those who are already registered to vote may update their information online. Voters can change their residential or mailing address within their current county and update their party affiliation. Address changes to a new county, name changes and new voter registrations will require a completed paper form, which can be downloaded on the website.
The General Election will allow voters to choose candidates for state and federal offices including Governor, state officers, U.S. Congressional seats, state legislative races, district attorneys and nonpartisan judicial races.
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